
Rules of Stomach

A Main Principle for a Healthier Body

The organ of stomach is a very important part of our anatomy.  Foods entering our mouth must be properly prepared for digestion. After being chewed and masticated by the mouth, food is then sent to the stomach for storage and further processing. 

The stomach mixes the food in an acid bath for further break-up of the nutrients. When the acid shifts to an alkaline ratio of about 5.5 ph, the pylorus valve at the base of stomach opens and the food is then passed along to the primary digestive organ, the small intestine.

When we allow the stomach to empty its contents prematurely by constantly using antacid, too much liquid, coffee, juice or milk with meals, the small intestine will become over burdened.  This causes food to be not properly prepared for digestion.

The result of this is that we get an increase in large undigested proteins and fats, which could clog up the lymphatic system. In such case, not only the nutrients are not extracted and absorbed properly, but also it produces large amounts of toxicity in the body pressurizing the blood and liver. Additionally, the undigested food particles become available for microbes living within our gut and as a result, it changes the behavior of these microbes which were friendly in the absence of food.

Now they become scavengers and start disobeying the general rules of balance in the body. In another word, they slowly turn into monsters within us!

This unfortunately becomes a way of life for many people and the long-term effects of it on the nutritional balance are very detrimental.  There are rules for stomach (basically how to eat) that can maximize the nutritional absorption and improve total wellness.

Many people are partially sick because they violate the rules of the stomach. Keeping to the rules of the stomach is the key to any weight reduction program and the healing of a host of other diseases.

This will also reduce the circumference of the abdomen which results not only in keeping a better shape, but reducing a direct pressure on the heart since for each centimeter of increased abdominal circumference, there is about 70 kilometer of blood vessels manufactured within the closed system of heart and circulation!

It is not just what we eat that is important, but what we are able to absorb. Even healthy meals can result in inappropriate nutrition if we violate the rules of the stomach.

The Rules of eating (AKA Rules of Stomach)

Essential to any successful weight reduction program and achieving maximum wellness

  1. Drink fluids alone. No more than half a glass of water should be taken with a meal.  Take water ½ hour before or 1.5 hours after a meal so as not to dilute your stomach juices.
  2. Do not drink anything which is too cold. It is a shock to your stomach and ultimately, it will produce more heat and thirst in you. It is also a reason to have more solid fat accumulated around the heart.
  3. No coffee or tea with meals (½ hour before or 1.5 hours after).
  4. No milk with meals (½ hour before or 1.5 hours after).
  5. No fruits, fruit juices or fruit salads with meals. Eat fruits alone (½ hour before or 1.5 hours after meals).
  6. No salads with meals either, unless it is in a very small amount. Eat them alone as another meal or snack! (only a small portion could be taken as for the taste).
  7. Eat melons alone (½ hour before or 1.5 hours after meals).
  8. Small meals are better.  Quality of nutrition is important not the quantity.
  9. No sleeping right after meals. Taking rest is different.
  10. Never drink or eat anything too cold (especially) or too hot.
  11. Slow eating is the key.  Savor, enjoy, rejoice, and celebrate the meal.
  12. Eat for nutrition, not for stimulation.
  13. Eat when hungry, not when bored.
  14. Rest comfortably after eating for at least 35 to 45 minutes to maximize stomach function, but no sleeping. Do not sleep after food for 3 hours.
  15. Make and eat food with love and kindness. No violent or negative emotions.
  16. No antacids. 
  17. Raw vegetables as salads are best eaten separately between meals to prevent confusion to the digestive tract. (Raw vegetables could be the sole ingredients for a complete meal, especially at night).
  18. Try and eat at the same times every day. This is because people tend to gain weight if their eating is not regular. This was a key finding of a comprehensive British study.
  19. CHEW, chew and chew.  Remember, food digestion starts in the mouth.  The mouth is where the food needs to be masticated, and where enzyme processing starts. It is very important to chew food very well and slowly.  As the food breaks up, the nutrients in the food are released.  Therefore, good nutritious food will improve in flavor as we chew, whereas bad food such as processed carbohydrates tastes worse as you chew.
  20. Please don’t forget to drink a few glasses of water per day on empty stomach (from a few to about 8 glasses per day). Water by itself is a great calorie burner, and don’t forget that water is water and nothing else!  It is just not recommended with meals.
  21. Make sure you have at least 1 bowel movement a day (at least) to get rid of the waste.

If you have an intention of reducing your weight, then please chew each mouthful of food up to 40 times before you take the next bite. It might sound impossible and very tiring in the beginning, but you will get used to it in only about 4 days. You will be amazed with the beneficial results.  When the flavor peaks and your natural juicer, your teeth, have juiced the food, it is time to swallow.

In people who don’t have issue with weight, they still need to chew enough to feel the taste of the food before taking another bite.

It is important to know that when the stomach is weak, the signs will be a craving for drinking fluids with a meal; bloating after a meal; itching especially at the rectum; belching, and gas release.  Some patients may have a difficult time digesting raw vegetables. 

They may also complain that raw vegetables cannot be digested.  This is a sign of a weak stomach – but it can be corrected. The nutrient content of fruits and vegetables is immense, and being able to break up the nutrients and stimulate the absorption is needed for complete health and recovery.

This is from the inventor of the EPFX Quantum Biofeedback system and being modified for more detailed information by Dr Parviz Rashvand.

For more information, please check his website at: www.drparviz.com 

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